What stage are we at now?


The making of a Development Plan is a two year process, consisting of three stages; Pre-draft, Draft and Amendments. 
We are still in the Pre-draft stage,
see the flowchart below:

The pre-draft consultation process began in March 2012, and finished up in November.  On November 1st we published the Manager’s Report on the Pre-draft Consultation process which outlines the entire consultation process in detail.   The 24th August was the cut-off for submissions to the pre-draft stage, however the website will remain open for further comments and debate and any comments made will be considered in the next (Draft) phase of the process.

The Manager’s Report was brought to the County and Borough Councillors (as relevant) for their consideration.  The Councillors can issue directions regarding the preparation of the draft development plans, which the Manager must comply with.  The County Council considered the Manager’s Report at a Special Meeting on the 3rd December.  The Borough Council considered the Manager’s Report at its December meeting on the 10th December. 

The officials must now write up the Draft Plan, and submit it to the Council members in March.  The Draft Plan will be published in June 2013, at which stage there will be another round of public consultation. 

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